
Online Business Networking Group

At SAM Networking, we prefer face-to-face networking, as it’s great for chatting ahead of meetings and holding 121s, etc. However, earlier this year, it seemed a group would be useful for those who just didn’t have the time to leave their homes/place of business or were out of the area. 

SAM Goes Online was born! Hosted by Kevin Forde (lunch member) and partner with UW, every Tuesday, Kevin runs this group in a pretty similar way to the live groups. So 60 seconds, member 10 minutes, guest presenters, etc. All crammed into an hour. 

Attracting around 15 members each week, this is a great group, especially if you’re on a budget as we don’t charge a single penny for attending!



This group is free to attend and meets every Tuesday between 8am and 9am on Zoom.

Ready to Grow Your Business with SAM Networking?

    A conglomeration of extremely pleasant, local, very experienced and inspirational professionals (some start-ups too), motivating each other to do business, referring genuine potential business partners to each other through an enormous network of contacts and simply supporting one other with advice and wisdom when things can get tough.

    All peppered with a little humour (who wants to attend a miserable business meeting?!) and some members just choosing to have a catch-up over a delicious breakfast/lunch and a cup of fresh coffee. Whatever works for you.

    Online Networking Members

    Financial Planning
    Ian Kemp
    at Nest Box Financial Planning
    Photography & Drone
    Darren Rawson
    at DPR Images
    Dave Hewitt
    at Peninsula Group
    Property Management
    Caroline Mpiana
    at Karibu Stays
    Martin Broadhead
    at MiniShred
    Office Meeting Pods
    at Breeze Workspace
    Virtual Assistant
    Kate Keir-Miller
    at VA Solutions
    Commercial Finance
    Siobhan Rules
    at Key Commercial
    Jamie Dinsdale
    at REONEX
    Print Management
    Christian Minchella
    at PMG Print Management
    Andy Robinson
    at Mortgage Masters
    Business Advice & Support
    Arminder Purewal
    at FSB
    Audio Visual
    Kev Bailey
    at Roche AV Pro/Bespoke Audio Visual Solutions
    Gareth Allen
    at GAP Coaching
    Call Management
    Angie Francksen
    at 3R Call Management